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Scoop was originally designed as DN Sans for Dagens Nyheter, a prominent Swedish daily newspaper established in December 1864.
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Ivar stands on the shoulders of giants: the design refers to the dependable text faces from the mid-1900s, which in turn were rooted in classic designs from the 16th and 17th century.
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Letters from
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Krukmakargatan 34
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“In short, these letters look like the work of a graphic designer (without any deep skill in lettering), not a type designer.” Paul Shaw, 2016
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Funkis Variable
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Funkis ABC
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Run for your life when
I say that I love you
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Geometric circle
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Eleven days of weariness on board a vessel not intended for the accommodation of passengers have so exhausted my spirits, to say nothing of the other causes, with which you are already sufficiently acquainted, that it is with some difficulty I adhere to my determination of giving you my observations, as I travel through new scenes, whilst warmed with the impression they have made on me. The captain, as I mentioned to you, promised to put me on shore at Arendall*, or Gothenburg, in his way to Elsineur; but contrary winds obliged us to pass both places during the night. In the morning, however, after we had lost sight of the entrance of the 2 latter bay, the vessel was becalmed; and the captain, to oblige me, hanging out a signal for a pilot, bore down towards the shore.
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My attention was particularly directed to the light-house; and you can scarcely imagine with what anxiety I watched two long hours for a boat to emancipate me—still no one appeared.
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Inline Variable
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AÁĂẮẶẰẲẴÂẤẬẦẨẪÄẠÀẢĀĄÅÃÆBCĆČÇĊDÐĎĐEÉĚÊẾỆỀỂỄËĖẸÈẺĒĘẼFGĞĢĠHĦIIJÍÎÏİỊÌỈĪĮĨJKĶLĹĽĻĿŁMNŃŇŅŊÑOÓÔỐỘỒỔỖÖỌÒỎƠỚỢỜỞỠŐŌØÕŒPÞQRŔŘŖSŚŠŞȘẞTŦŤŢȚUÚÛÜỤÙỦƯỨỰỪỬỮŰŪŲŮŨVWẂŴẄẀXYÝŶŸỴỲỶỸZŹŽŻaáăắặằẳẵâấậầẩẫäạàảāąåãæbcćčçċdðďđeéěêếệềểễëėẹèẻēęẽfgğģġhħiıíîïịìỉijīįĩjȷkķlĺľļŀłmnńňņŋñoóôốộồổỗöọòỏơớợờởỡőōøõœpþqrŕřŗsśšşșßtŧťţțuúûüụùủưứựừửữűūųůũvwẃŵẅẁxyýŷÿỵỳỷỹzźžżfiflªºАБВГЃҐДЕЁЖЗИЙКЌЛМНОПРСТУЎФХЧЦШЩЏЬЪЫЉЊЅЄЭІЇЈЋЮЯЂабвгѓґдеёжзийкќлмнопрстуўфхчцшщџьъыљњѕєэіїјћюяђΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή0123456789¹²³⁄½⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞.,:;…!¡?¿·•*#/\(){}[]-–—_‚„“”‘’«»‹›"'·; ¢¤$€ƒ₺₽₹£¥⤤⤣+−×÷=≠><≥≤±≈~¬^∞∫Ω∆∏∑√∂µ%‰⤥⤦↑↗→↘↓↙←↖◊@&¶§©®℗™°|¦†‡№
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Longley 1986
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”Those sketches of mine were approved by the Volvo people and I was asked to continue the work of designing the car by making a model in the scale of 1:10.”
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Ivar Mono Variable
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link rel='stylesheet' id='lettersfromsweden-fonts-css' href='
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